Integral Atheism

There’s an interesting discussion unfolding on Julian Walker’s Blog regarding the intersection of Integral Theory and the New Atheist movement. Here’s my latest bit, in response to Eric:

Eric said:

“I subscribe to the notion that if you really want to help people grow through levels of development, then finding ways to provide for the healthiest possible setting for each structure while improving life conditions and increasing opportunities for all people to explore and develop into higher structures will be more effective than simply arguing against the existence of a mythic-literal concept of God.”

My response:

I just don’t know what this means in terms of taking action, right now, today. HOW do you find ways to provide for the healthiest possible setting for each structure? HOW do you increase opportunities for all people to explore and develop into higher structures?

I think creating cognitive dissonance in people so that they might let go of distorted thought patterns IS working to provide a saner, healthier setting within which continued personal growth can flourish. I don’t see the issue here as helping people “develop” from a “Mythic” center of gravity to a “Rational” center of gravity [or “structure of consciousness”]. People’s already established capacity for reason needs to “develop” from pathological distortion to healthy clarity. The vast majority of religious people have highly developed powers of reason in all areas of their lives EXCEPT when it concerns their religious beliefs. Many of the 9/11 highjackers were highly educated. Yet they believed they’d get a date with seventy-two virgins by murdering thousands of innocent people. This insane belief needs to be acknowledged as insane, right now, today, along with countless other insane beliefs held in other religions, otherwise reasonable people will continue to act on these beliefs in necessarily ignorant and destructive ways. It is not necessary to “eliminate” everything about religion – ritual, community, contemplative practices, etc. – and Sam Harris is certainly not trying to do that. He’s just trying to expose dangerous and downright stupid ideas for what they are, so that we all can be free to move forward as a species without continuing to harm ourselves and others.

I’ve yet to hear a single practical solution to any specific problem from Ken Wilber or his followers. Everything under the sun in translated into AQAL terms, which seems elegant and satisfying until we recognize that nothing has changed. “Meditate” or “Try my ILP program” –that’s about all I can think of as the practical applications of AQAL thus far.

Rational dialogue has been and will continue to be a true agent of transformation for individuals and societies. The capacity for reason is already there, it just needs to get healthier, stronger and clearer. That’s what Sam Harris – and Ken Wilber for that matter – have done for me: Clarified my thinking. This clarity has, in turn, affected my actions in ways that have been fulfilling and transformative [and, I hope, helpful to others].

2 Replies to “Integral Atheism”

  1. Bob, thanks for this post. i’m following your discussion on Julian’s blog. i responded to both you and Eric with a debate between Sam Harris and Scott Atran. here’s the link to my comment. check it out and feel free to continue the discussion from there, or expound on it on your blog.


  2. Very cool discussion. Whatever their faults (e.g., lack of appreciation for altitude and different kinds of religion) the New Atheists are injecting a little more rationality where tradition has tended to obscure…

    all the best


    PS- you might find http://integralpraxis.blogspot interesting…

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