
Reverb 10 Prompt (from Holly Root): This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What’s the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year?

This being the second-to-last day of Reverb 10, I want to make sure I don’t forget to thank Gwen Bell, Cali Harris, and Kaileen Elise for putting this whole thing together and giving me an opportunity to interact with so many wonderful people over the course of this month. It’s been a heck of a great ride. Every single person who commented on my posts or gave me a shout-out on Twitter — each one of you gave me a gift for which I am most grateful. I’m sorry to have lost track of some of you as the days marched on. Things were blowing up exponentially for a while there, and I became overwhelmed by all the connections I wanted to maintain. Many of you came back to visit me again and again, and it’s because of you I was able to dig as deep as I did to get the most out of these reflections. Many of us will drop off each other’s radar screens after tomorrow. Some of us will stay in touch, become friends, maybe even meet in person one day. Who knows what the new year will usher in. In any event, thank you all for the gifts of your acknowledgement and feedback. You’re all tangibly, emotionally, memorably, and inescapably awesome.

Creatively Sensitive
Brooke Farmer
mrs. mediocrity
Jim Cook
Little Yawps
Mrs. Which

11 Replies to “Gift”

  1. Bob- YOU’re the gift. Thank you for the comments and support throughout reverb10. I am sad to see it end, but just like you said, it’s created some amazing bonds that are likely to strengthen as time progresses. I look forward to following you into 2011 and beyond. Happy new year.

  2. FYI, you’re not dropping off anywhere. You have a permanent place in my main google reader stream now. I’m so grateful to #reverb10 for having “met” you!

    Happy New Year!

  3. You’re welcome, and Thank You too. :) I meant to regularly return to more blogs but in the end, yours ended up being one of the few (3?) that I made a regular habit of checking. I’ll be around as long as I can be, until school makes me whittle my blog list down to a very very bare minimum.

  4. Wow. Now THIS, your blog post, is a gift.

    “…it’s because of you I was able to dig as deep as I did” This is a beautiful tribute to the underpinnings of #reverb10: a chance to connect.

    So beautiful, Bob!

  5. I almost feel like this is a goodbye, Bob and it had better not be! You will be seeing my name in your comments for a long time yet. You have been an absolute favourite of mine during this reverb10 time and it’s been wonderful getting to know more about you. Thank you for being you and stay awesome in the New Year.

  6. You humble me by including me in your list of gifts based on one visit. For that, I am grateful….

    I’ve included you in my BlogLines account so’s I can keep up with you going forward…

  7. @Shannon: No, no, no… YOU’re the gift! Okay, we can both be gifts :o) Happy New Year to you!

    @Krista: It’s certainly been a wonderful month. Thanks for stopping by again!

    @littleyawps: Yeah, I’m pretty psyched about this little village that’s cropped up.

    @Emma: Happy New Year to you, and great to see you pop back up in MY reader!

    @Aba: Glad you’ve enjoyed my posts. I plan to continue annoying you with more comments on your blog in the year to come. Good luck with school!

    @Cali: Thanks so much for dropping by. And thanks again – so, so, much – for the opportunity to participate in Reverb 10!

    @Stereo: Come on now. You know I won’t be saying goodbye to you anytime soon! Why would I want to do something crazy like that? I’ll be a readin’ as long as you’re a writin’!

    @Mark: I’m glad we connected here in the 11th hour. It may be the end of Reverb 10, but it’s also the beginning of the new year. I look forward to exploring your writing in the days to come…

  8. Blowing up exponentially is the best way to put it. I’ve starred this post in my reader so that I can track down some of these other people in the days to come… when I’ve got my total posts under a thousand.

    And thank you again, much, for including me. Reverb10 was an estrogen-saturated experience and you were one of the few interesting guys I managed to track down. Thank you for sticking with it and not quitting.

    1. @Kim: How could I NOT include you? It’s been a pleasure getting acquainted with you and your excellent writing.

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