Goodbye Allison


So I woke up from a nap yesterday, shuffled into my little studio, and dazedly recorded this little song before it drifted back into the ether.

Goodbye Allison.mp3

No, I don’t know anyone named Allison, and yeah, I suppose taking a picture of myself immediately after each new recording is pretty weird. Given the sad look on my face and sad tone of the song, I imagine folks might think I’m hopelessly depressed. I actually feel great at the moment, but admittedly there’s been an undercurrent of sadness this past week. My Mom has been in the hospital with heart trouble (she’s okay) and I miss my wife to an almost unbearable extent (she’s returning to the US in four weeks!). And besides, the creative process for me always seems to kick in during the dark times. When I’m happy I just enjoy the moment, and rarely feel like writing a song. Whatever — Here’s a happy photo I snapped about an hour later, after I spoke with my Mom on the phone.


When I’m alone too much I start to develop a peculiar relationship with myself, one that manifests in some peculiar ways. Taking photos of myself is just the tip of the iceberg people. The tip of the iceberg.