
I am currently in the midst of a pleasant obsession with the band Kruangbin. I stumbled upon them while tumbling down a YouTube rabbit-hole. Their style – a mostly instrumental, funky-ass psychedelic groove-based international vibe type thing – is nothing like anything I’ve been into in the past. It’s just so smooth, so groovy, that I can’t get enough of it, especially in situations when my attention is occupied, like right now, while I’m typing these lines, or when I’m cleaning up the house. Music with a dominant vocal line often robs attention and focus needed for the task at hand, while Khruangbin’s grooves flow through me on a different, more unconscious level, which enhances whatever else I’m doing. Don’t take my word for it. Dig in.

Khruangbin @ Villain | Pitchfork Live
Khruangbin @ Villain | Pitchfork Live