Snort-cycles, optimal microphone placement, and watching Gilligan’s Island through static in 1978

Jolted awake once again at 4am, once again by the emotional intensity of a dream scene. I was standing in front of a TV glowing with static. Spontaneously, I made some sort of snorting noise as I took air in through my nasal cavity, and coincident with this bodily action an image began to form on the screen. Making the connection, I intentionally repeated the snort as I watched the screen, and lo and behold I could see the moving images coming in with increased clarity, as if I were turning the dial of an old-school antenna in an effort to find a watchable feed of Gilligan’s Island back in 1978.

The moment the inhalation of my snort transitioned to an exhale, the image would start to fade, but I quickly learned to control my breath in such a way as to keep the broadcast going as I cycled into another snort, which increased the clarity and allowed me to see what was actually being portrayed. It hit me in a flash. The scene playing out on the screen was one of my memories! Holy shit, I could see my memories on the goddamned TV screen!

I frantically called out to my wife, who was in the other room. When she arrived I went into another snort and began wildly gesticulating toward the TV screen. I was able to keep the broadcast going for a solid few seconds, long enough to be sure she would notice. I caught my breath and shouted to her, “Could you see it?!?! Did you see it?!?!”

“No! I didn’t see anything!”, she replied.

Shattered by the realization that the entire experience was a mere hallucination and delusion, I began to wail, which caused my wife to look distressed. I apologized profusely to her as I continued to cry and moan with enough intensity to send me back into the waking state.

So, yeah. Been dreamin’ and stuff.

Had to reschedule the ultrasound for my knee, as the process got caught up in the red tape of “workers’ comp.” Meanwhile my condition continues to slowly improve. Hopefully I’ll get a definitive diagnosis by the end of the week. Being disabled is a drag, especially when there is shit to be done around the house. Temperatures jumped into the 90s, so I needed to get on the roof to get the swamp coolers up and running. We had a new roof put on this winter, which required the coolers to be disassembled and reassembled, and in the process they were seriously fucked up by the roof crew. I was cursing them all to hell while doing my best to make the necessary repairs on one leg. Roof crew be damned, I eventually got the job done.

I’ve been messing around in the studio, mostly getting to know the possibilities and limitations of my new mixer/recorder. With all the hours I’ve logged on YouTube learning about things like inputs, outputs, mic placement, sub-mixes, gain staging, etc., I might be able to get a job as a sound engineer, but for the lack of actual finished recordings. I’m about ready to see what I can do with this new toy. If it sucks, I’ll just blame it on the bum knee, or those asshole roofer dudes.