Sofa siesta

Holy crap, am I ever tired. One more day of work and Mary Alice and I hit the road for Little Rock, Arkansas to celebrate her brother’s wedding. I sorely need the break from the hospital and the ever-present drama therein. Last night and today I went round and round with several kids, trying (in vain) to help them accept responsibility for their actions. One of the Gummy Snatchers could not for the life of him understand why his confession (“I stole some snacks and then lied to staff about it.”) was met with some consequences from me (several written assignments; loss of snack privileges). “This is bullshit! I’m getting in trouble for doing the right thing!”

Ah, the wonders of young minds. I passed out cold on the sofa in the middle of the previous sentence. I’m sure I was going somewhere with the “hard-headedness of teenagers” thing. Oh well, I can do some more research tomorrow.