Something somewhere

My first fiddle-about with iMovie, featuring a snippet from an old tune written during a very productive period of my life. For some reason, earlier today I felt like revisiting some journal entries from about that time (a little more than five years ago). I had been reading Wilhelm Reich’s The function of the orgasm and my mind was sparkling with insight and creativity. Two days before my 31st birthday, I wrote the following note after a long riff about Reich’s theories:

Saki Santorelli from UMASS has some mindfulness clinic at the university. He spoke on NPR today and seems to “get it.” Need to check him out.

So, I checked him out today, over five years after the fact, and I was super impressed with the Center for Mindfulness at the UMASS Medical School. My wife and I have been planning to move to Massachusetts once she finishes her PhD here at the University of Kentucky. I will be looking into the Center for Mindfulness in much more depth in the coming weeks, and I’ll report my findings as they trickle in.

There surely must be something somewhere…