Sunday Dustbin: Blood-red house


Yeah, I’ve been listening to The Black Keys a lot lately. Here’s some blues wanking that has my ears ringing:

Blood-red house.mp3
Got on my hands and knees
and I begged my disease
Said “Beg you darling, please.
I need some release.
If you let me off the hook this time,
I’ll do anything.”

She said “Take the train to Shepherd Street.
Go to 117.
Knock exactly seven times,
then wait patiently.
In that blood-red house with no windows,
that’s where you’ll find me.”

2 Replies to “Sunday Dustbin: Blood-red house”

  1. Hmmm. What record is that from? The link to the mp3 didn’t work. Glad my crazy fandom has imparted some joy to someone!

  2. Rhonda,

    Hmmm. The link has worked fine for me, but no, no, no—it’s not a Black Keys song, it’s just me jamming in that style. I’ve been listening to them constantly lately, so whenever I pick up a guitar I can’t help but launch into a heavy blues riff.

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